Development is the fruit of outreach and education. FLC provides opportunities and assistance for tribal peoples stuck in poverty to gain self-sufficiency.
Outreach brings transformative change. Education cultivates understanding and action, in that people learn hygiene and medical care to live better, and gain new skills in agriculture, business, and technology.
FLC’s development projects grew out of the whole-person approach to help people spiritually and physically. The development projects focus on good physical health through clean water and improved nutrition. We emphasize self-sufficiency; that the people take ownership of the projects for regular maintenance and improvements and to earn their own income.
Currently, FLC focuses on three primary categories of development:
Since 1995, FLC staff, volunteers, and supporters installed 22 clean water systems in remote villages of Thailand and Burma. Clean water creates immediate improvements in health and quality of life.
FLC invested in and supports a variety of crop development projects that include: coffee growing, a rubber tree plantation, farm land purchases, a saw mill, and other cash crops.
Raising animals is an emerging industry for FLC that should provide abundant protein sources and revenue for outreach partners in Burma.
Outreach + Education + Development = Improved quality of life.